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A member registered Jan 29, 2021

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sharpkeys works too but the whitty mod comes with a custom keybind setting I'm pretty sure

yeah ive seen this problem multiple times this game wasn't meant for Chromebooks but I've gotten it running on guest mode but guest modes only on a normal chromebook

then dont act like one

chromebooks arent badly designed they just werent built for gaming

its not the devs fault that your game cant run on a chromebook lmao

This happened to my school and personal chromebook which is like 3x the power of my school chromebook and im asumming it has something to do with saving the data. if you have a chromebook that can use the guest feature i recomend triyng that

So I actually tried this game on a school chromebook and oddly enough, it only works and loads completely on like the 1st 2nd or 3rd  time youve ever loaded the game and played it.

Yesterday i was able to play FNF on a chromebook but now its getting stuck on a loading screen. FNF wasn't meant to be played on a chromebook.